How to Weigh a Goat: 5 Helpful Methods

There is nothing more important than being able to know your goats’ weights. Truly, you cannot perform important tasks like dosing medications, or even simple daily tasks, without knowing a goat’s weight. If you don’t have a plan for weighing, I encourage you to start planning one by the time you’re done reading this post, and then implement it!

Treating Polio & Listeriosis in Goats

Polio (Polioencephalomalacia) and Listeriosis (also referred to as “Listeria”) are two, unfortunately, highly common neurological illnesses in goats. Often when we hear about one, we hear about the other, because they appear very similarly. So much so that many people just refer to the issue as “polio/listeriosis.” When they treat for one, they also treat … Continue reading Treating Polio & Listeriosis in Goats

How Much Does Your Soil’s Mineral Level Affect Your Goats?

How much does your soil mineral content/forage mineral content actually impact your goats? I have heard from many industry professionals, vets, blogs, and goat owners to check and be aware of your soil mineral levels to determine how you need to supplement your goats. I cannot tell you how many people have come to me … Continue reading How Much Does Your Soil’s Mineral Level Affect Your Goats?

Goat Gardens: What to Plant, Forage, and Feed to your Goats

Goats are fed a diet of mostly hay these days—as they are domesticated and most owners don’t have miles of land for them to forage on. This is totally fine; however, your goats will always be healthier if you can switch up their diet in small, meaningful ways by adding in a variety of forage/browse … Continue reading Goat Gardens: What to Plant, Forage, and Feed to your Goats

Preventing & Treating Coccidiosis in Goats

What is Coccidiosis? Coccidiosis is a parasitic infestation in goats caused by the parasite Coccidia. Coccidia is not a worm, it is a protozoa. This means that regular dewormers (chemical ones, in particular) do not affect it. Luckily, natural dewormers work very effectively for Coccidia. Coccidia (aka Cocci [pronounced Kok-see]) has been known to cause … Continue reading Preventing & Treating Coccidiosis in Goats